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Evaluation Without Borders: Volunteer Interest Form

Giving back to the Washington, DC community and beyond

Evaluation Without Borders (EWB) aims to match evaluators with local community-based organizations and nonprofits seeking program planning, measurement, and evaluation services. 

After piloting this initiative during the Evaluation 2017 conference, Washington Evaluators has refined the concept and it is now being offered as a fixture of WE programming.

In line with AEA’s end goals, we hope to not only create opportunities where local nonprofits can build their knowledge and skills to engage in evaluation, but to also create opportunities where evaluators can provide useful services and meaningfully engage with communities across the Washington, D.C. area and beyond.

How do I get involved and provide pro bono evaluation support?

For evaluators: We are in the process of re configuring the EWB Program. While we continue to update the program we are still accepting Volunteer Interest information. Please use the form, below, if you're interested in volunteering. Just let us know a bit about your professional experience, program planning and evaluation skills, and volunteer interests. During each round, we will be matching evaluation teams with nonprofits and community-based organizations, based on the evaluators' skills and the needs of each client. Prior to matching, all volunteers will be informed of a potential match and your potential team members, so you have time to consider and plan around your schedule

. Please note that you must be a member of Washington Evaluators to participate in the program.

Other questions? Check out our FAQ here

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